
Reflexology — relaxing, boosting, balancing & cleansing

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing and energising therapy that treats the body through the hands and feet. A millennia-old practice, the health and wellbeing benefits of reflexology cannot be underestimated. It is a non-intrusive and restorative treatment that supports a healthy life-mind-body balance. Following maps and charts pressure is applied to specific reflexes of the feet, lower leg and hands bringing healing to the corresponding area of the body. Studies, and feedback from my clients, indicate that the benefits of reflexology include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increase energy, boost circulation, induce a deep state of relaxation, eliminate toxins, stimulate the central nervous system, clean up urinary tract conditions, speed-up recovery after injury or surgery, help relieve sleep disorders, reduce depression, and relieve pain. 

Reflexology for supporting menopause transition — many health & wellbeing benefits!

Supporting women from perimenopause through to post-menopause is an area where reflexology, and reflexologists, can make a real difference to health and wellbeing! Through personal experience I recognise the impact of the physical and emotional symptoms that are experienced by many women+ during this major life transition, and research tells us that reflexology helps. Indeed, as well as being beneficial for some menopausal symptoms including sleep disorders, hot flushes and other vasomotor problems such as night sweats, studies show how reflexology for peri/menopause can lower stress levels and help reduce depression, anxiety, and mood swings. Working through your feet (or hands) I target all the systems of your body from the endocrine, lymphatic and cardiovascular systems to the digestive, urinary and musculoskeletal systems — bringing energy, calm & balance. If you are looking for support & empowerment this treatment can help.


  • "Physically I have been feeling exhausted due to the effects of the menopause, Louise was recommended by a friend. I have always been drawn to reflexology so I went along. After a couple of session I began to feel healthier ... overall I felt balanced within myself. I would highly recommend Louise as she is friendly, professional and excellent at diagnosing areas within the body that are out of balance."

    Samantha B. — Client Testimonial

  • "I have benefited greatly from reflexology, which Louise delivers with an expert focus on receiving perimenopause symptoms."

    Lorraine W. — Client Testimonial

  • "Menopause is the cue to start looking after your body in a different way, and the massage and reflexology offered by Louise has helped alleviate both the physical and mental anxiety I've experienced during this time of my life. "

    Helen P. — Client Testimonial